On December 6th 2017 Alessandra Viviani (UniSi, E-WORDS co-ordinator) met Massimiliano Montini and Lorenzo Filippeschi of Fondazione ForTeS (http://www.fondazionefortes.it/) at the premises of the Department of Political and International Sciences of Siena University. A. Viviani presented E-WORDS partnership, aims, work plan and list of events, while M. Montini and L. Filippeschi presented the project “Lampedusa Berlin, Travel journal” (LaBe), Europe for Citizens Programme – Strand 2: Democratic engagement and civic participation. (http://www.fondazionefortes.it/attivita/2408-2/), co-ordinated by Fondazione ForTes.
LaBe project central theme is how the fall of the Berlin Wall affected the recent history of Eastern European countries. Many are the common aspects in E-WORDS and LaBe and the participants at the meeting came to know each other’s approaches and strategies to implement the two projects. The meeting laid the foundations for a future co-operation between ForTes and the E-WORDS partnership.